Rhythm and Adventure
Since I was little, I have loved to go. I take after my Daddy that way. It’s taken Ray some getting used to, having been reared in a family who stayed quite close to home. I love adventure. However, I enjoy the rhythm of a schedule. We homeschooled with a combination of rhythm and adventure. I would definitely do that again.
God ordered our world with rhythm. He established that rhythm at Creation.
Then God said, “Let there be lights
in the expanse of the heavens
to separate the day from the night,
and let them be for signs and for seasons
and for days and years . . .”
Genesis 1:14
After the flood, He promised that the rhythm would continue.
“While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
And cold and heat,
And summer and winter,
And day and night
Shall not cease.”
Genesis 8:22
Even though the temperature in Gainesboro was an unseasonable 95 degrees yesterday, we’re still seeing signs that God is keeping His promise. Fresh-cut hay is drying in round bales in our neighbor’s pasture. When the sun rises above the hills behind our house and shines on the hills in front, we can see a hint of yellow.
The lingering tommy toes are drying on their drying vines . . .
. . . while the squashes and pumpkins grow larger.
Right now, my flower garden is weeds, plants winding down for winter, and some bright spots of beauty. The sedum has turned to bronze, . . .
. . . the Russian sage is blooming, . . .
. . . and, like every fall, my pink knock-out rose is giving its fall show.
Best of all to me, the aster my friend Terry’s mom Miss Delia dug up for me in the field beside her house many years ago has grown taller than my head and is producing its pretty lavender blooms.
Rhythm and adventure. Order and spontaneity. Dependability and surprise. Elements of a wonderful school year — and an exciting life.
Every good thing given
and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.
James 1:17