A Diligent Girl Becomes a Diligent Lady

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Yesterday I told you about our granddaughter who brought a lamb for me to hold. A few weeks ago in a hotel breakfast room, I overheard another story about a little girl and farm animals. The lady who takes care of the breakfast room (I’ll call her Sarah) told the story to another lady who is evidently a frequent guest.

During the conversation, Sarah mentioned that she always stops to check on her church when she goes home. She’s a trustee. She spoke of her cattle, and she mentioned her age — 82. It’s not surprising that she is a person who handles her responsibilities well, when you consider the story I’m about to repeat.

When Sarah was a girl, her father sent her out on a horse to bring in the cattle. Riding bareback, she rode on one side of the herd while their dog went around on the other side. She said that the horse’s back was so broad her legs stuck straight out — not surprising since she was three years old!

When I went back to the breakfast bar a little later to ask Sarah for a picture and permission to share her story, she was chatting away with another regular guest.

Server at Holiday Inn Express Hotel

She told me she had retired twice before and had taken this job when she needed a well dug on her place. “You can’t pay for a $16,000 well on Social Security,” she said.

The hand of the diligent will rule,
But the slack hand will be put to forced labor.
Proverbs 12:24

I certainly don’t advocate sending three year olds out to bring the cows home. However, diligence in our children is one of our homeschooling — and our parenting — goals, since God calls us to be diligent in our obedience to Him.

 But according to His promise
we are looking for new heavens and a new earth,
in which righteousness dwells.
Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things,
be diligent to be found by Him in peace,
spotless and blameless….
2 Peter 3:13-14



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