A Granddaughter’s Tuesday Tradition
Yesterday I talked about President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson’s time in the White House. While I was learning about them, I came across a sweet article about one of their granddaughters who was born after the Johnsons left the White House. Lyndon Johnson died just a few years after he left the presidency. This granddaughter was only two and a half years old.
Lady Bird Johnson was a widow for 34 years. The granddaughter in the article loved her Nini. She went to law school in Austin, Texas, where Lady Bird was living. After law school, she decided to work there and be with her grandmother.
This granddaughter dedicated every Tuesday to her Nini. During Lady Bird Johnson’s last eight and half years, she and her granddaughter had a Tuesday night date every week. They went to restaurants as long as Mrs. Johnson was able. After that, they watched TV together, shared supper, and talked. Often her granddaughter read aloud to her.
This granddaughter was lost on Tuesday evenings after her grandmother died. Eventually she began volunteering at her church on Tuesday evenings, helping the poor people in the church’s neighborhood. Lady Bird Johnson taught her daughters and grandchildren to give to others. This granddaughter is happy knowing that she is honoring her still.
What a beautiful story of love and kindness and honor.
Her children rise up and bless her . . .
Proverbs 31:28a
You shall stand up in the presence of the gray headed
and honor elders,
and you shall fear your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32
That is such a sweet story. And I have to say that her gown is so flattering for a woman in that agegroup. Not that I have any occasions to wear a gown, but if I did, I would love to find one like that (just in a different color).
It is a flattering gown on a classy lady. Wouldn’t it be fun to have occasions to war a gown like that!