A Hug and a Kiss a Day
A hug and a kiss a day. Husbands need them. Wives need them. Children need them.
Yesterday morning a young woman at our church was chatting with one of our elders. I’ll call him Frank. I don’t remember how the conversation about mamas got started, but I’m glad the young woman told me what Frank said about his mama: “I made sure she got a hug and a kiss every day.”
I remember when Frank’s mama died a few years ago but I didn’t know about the gift he gave her while she was living.
A hug and a kiss a day. Mamas and daddies need them, too. I know Frank’s mama is glad Frank knew that.
Wise mamas (and daddies) teach their children to honor their father and mother. The wisest ones show them how to do that by honoring their own — every day.
Honor your father and mother
(which is the first commandment with a promise),
so that it may be well with you,
and that you may live long on the earth.
Ephesians 6:2-3