Adjectives Advance; Acronyms Abound
You may have guessed this by now, but I just love it when our children and grandchildren come for a visit. I have so many favorite things to do with them. Games is one. One night recently when our daughters and their husbands were here, we played a paper and pencil game we call “Acronyms.” It is simple, fun, and hilarious.
This is how we play:
- First, we gather our supplies: a piece of paper and a pencil for each player, a timer, and a Boggle game.
- Then, we choose a category for our acronyms. Sometimes we do organizations, but we like newspaper headlines even better.
- Then, we pick four letters of the alphabet. This can be done many different ways. In our family, we choose four letter cubes from our Boggle game and roll them one at a time. Players write these four letters on a plain piece of paper in the order they were rolled.
- Then, we set a timer. Sometimes we set it for two minutes, but we like four minutes better.
- When the timer begins, each player writes four words on the paper with each word beginning with one of the four letters (again, in the order they were rolled.) We see how many sets of four words we can write before the timer beeps. No word can be used more than once. It is fine to add a, an, of, and the to your acronyms.
- When the timer beeps, everyone reads their creations.
Let me give you some examples. Let’s say our letters are LLAS and our category is organizations. One person might write these organizations:
Louisiana Leaders of Antelope Saddlers
Llamas Loping Around Seattle
Lazy Loons of America’s Shorelines
Loving Leprechauns with Argentine Soulmates
Now, how about the letters KBKO with the category of newspaper headlines?
Kites Banned; Kids Outraged!
Koalas Bummed; Kangaroos Overwrought!
Ketchup Banished; Kale Offered
Kayakers Begin Kneeling Offering
Okay, okay! So, you have to be there, but I’m telling you–it’s a truck load of fun!
A man has joy in an apt answer,
And how delightful is a timely word!
Proverbs 15:23, NASB