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The Eisenhower sons recognized and appreciated the love and care that their parents had given them while they were growing up. As adults they founds ways to honor their parents in tangible ways. President Eisenhower was a great fan of three presidents: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. He and his wife Mamie gave his mother these plates which commemorate President Washington.

A Gift from Ike and Mamie
A Gift from Ike and Mamie

When the Eisenhower boys were growing up, the entire family ate at a long farm table and sat on benches. David and Ida’s sons later bought their parents a dining room set, after which they could eat their meals sitting on real chairs.

The boys bought their mother this 1936 Spartan Short Wave radio, which she kept tuned to Europe. On this radio, she was able to hear her son Ike’s voice, while he served as the Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe.

Ida Eisenhower's Radio
Ida Eisenhower’s Radio

Even though Ida Eisenhower enjoyed good health all the way up to her death, after their father died, the Eisenhower sons hired a full-time companion to help their mother. Ida and her companion slept in these twin beds in the bedroom she once shared with her husband David.

Ida Eisenhower's Bedroom
Ida Eisenhower’s Bedroom

Sons who had watched their mother care for their grandfather made sure that she was cared for in her old age.

“Stand up in the presence of the aged,
show respect for the elderly
and revere your God. I am the Lord.”
Leviticus 19:32


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