Decision Dilemmas

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Like you, I’m a busy little squirrel getting ready for Thanksgiving — I know the saying is really “busy little bee,” but since it’s fall, I decided we could be squirrels instead.

Squirrel in the Yard Outside the Boyhood Home of Ronald Reagan in Dixon, Illinois
Squirrel in the Yard Outside the Boyhood Home of Ronald Reagan in Dixon, Illinois

Add to that scenario, a mini-publishing deadline–not something massive, but definitely something I wanted to finish as early as possible yesterday. I wasn’t panicking, but I had been up since 4:15. Usually, when I wake up before getting-up time, I try to go back to sleep, but yesterday I decided just to get up and get busy.

To add to the busyness, Ray and I were wondering all morning if we should run out to do something. It was important, but not absolutely essential. It was also time critical. In other words, if we didn’t do it yesterday between noon and 1:30, the opportunity would be lost.

Ray was steady — we should go. I was wavering — do we really have time?

Ray said a gem of wisdom that I intend to keep close to my heart from now on. He said, “If we weren’t working on From Adam to Us, we would go.” He was absolutely right.

We went. And we got our work done, albeit a few hours later than we had hoped.

Ray and I were discussing time with some friends just the other night (is that a constant source of conversation for you, like it is for us?). During our conversation, Ray quoted something another friend told him more than thirty-five years ago: “Time is not an enemy. It’s a friend.” I like that thought. I’m going to hold on to that one, too.

So teach us to number our days,
That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12



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