Do You Worry That You Are Not Covering It All?

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I love to look up on a clear night and see the billions of stars shining overhead. They teach a beautiful lesson that every homeschooling mama needs to take to heart.

Do you ever worry that you are not covering it all? Please remember, Mama, that there is no teacher or school or other kind of educational institution on Planet Earth where your child could get an education that would cover it all. Some schools excel in math and science or art, but leave out Bible. No history course covers every single thing that happened all over the earth on every day in world history. No science course covers every possible aspect of everything.

Every teacher chooses from a vast array of knowledge. Praise God that, as a homeschooling mama, you are the ones who get to choose what your child learns.

The next time you are tempted to worry about whether you are covering it all, go outside on a clear night and see the billions of stars shining overhead. Think of the Universe and the God Who created it and realize this:

The heavens tell of the glory of God;
And their expanse declares the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words;
Their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out into all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world.
Psalm 19:1-4a



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