Don’t Lose Heart

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As I sat at my desk beside the window last night, the tractor that has been going back and forth and back and forth for the last several days was still going. Even with the moon in the waxing gibbous phase (no, I’m not that smart; I looked it up), all I could see were bright headlights and tail lights and an occasional faint shadow of the tractor.

Back and forth, back and forth. Down the field. Turn around. Back again.

I don’t know if the driver is the son of one of our neighbors, or if it is someone they hired to do the work. I do know that the worker (or perhaps workers) is faithful. Talk about “plowing the same ground” over and over again. I’m witnessing some of those farmer metaphors I’ve heard all my life.

Actually I don’t know if this person is plowing or discing or exactly what he is doing. I just know that I’ve seen that tractor for days going over and over the same ground in this field of many, many acres.

When you are teaching your children each day, you are like the farmer across the road last night. Sometimes you have to plow the same field again and again. That’s what farmers who reap a crop do. And they do that plowing without a single glimpse of the blade that will come up someday. The wise farmer works hard for a reward that doesn’t come the first day he gets in the field.

The successful farmer waits until God gives the increase.
The successful farmer waits until God gives the increase at harvest time.

Let us not lose heart in doing good,
for in due time we will reap
if we do not grow weary.
Galatians 6:9



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  1. Excellent parallel. I look forward to your posts everyday. I know when it’s the weekend because they don’t come. Thanks for your had work. I hope that my family can meet yours some day.

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