
After Lorraine’s funeral, Ray and I joined her family and close friends for a meal at her beautiful home. When we walked into the kitchen, there was Sarah. She hated to miss the funeral, she said, but had decided to stay at the house to get everything ready for the meal.
“I was doing what my mama would have done,” she said.
Sarah was right. That is exactly what her mama would have done. Her mama was Miss Ev whom I told you about a couple of years ago.
Miss Ev was emulate-able (I love to make up words). It is daunting to think about trying to be an emulate-able mama for the rest of our lives. Isn’t God wonderful to give us the opportunity to live one day at a time? Let’s try to be emulate-able just for this one day — even if we don’t think we’ve ever lived a truly emulate-able day before now.
Then we can try it again tomorrow.
Now for this very reason also,
applying all diligence,
in your faith supply moral excellence,
and in your moral excellence, knowledge,
and in your knowledge, self-control,
and in your self-control, perseverance,
and in your perseverance, godliness,
and in your godliness, brotherly kindness,
and in your brotherly kindness, love.
For if these qualities are yours
and are increasing,
they render you
neither useless nor unfruitful
in the true knowledge
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:5-8