Enjoy Your Children

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If our children were still at home, I know what one of my priorities would be. I would play with them more.

Like you, I had many responsibilities on Monday. Just after lunch, I pondered what I should do. Should I keep on checking off my list of things to do or should I go to our daughter’s house and enjoy the snow with her children?

I decided to go see the grandchildren. Ray decided to come, too. They delighted in pelting us with snowballs. On Sunday our five-year-old grandson had told me that I was his favorite Sugar. On Monday, he said I was his favorite snowball target. Now it was my turn to be delighted.

I looked at their sleds and I looked at their long hillside and I pondered what I should do. Should I give it a try?

This video shows you what I decided.

By the time I climbed back up that long hill, our eight-year-old grandson had filled another sled with snowball ammunition.

This priceless experience reminded me of a snowy February day when I was 12 years old. My hardworking Mother laid aside her sewing, put on a winter jacket, and went sledding in the front yard with my brother and me. I am deeply grateful that we have photos of that day, including these two of Mother.

Enjoy your children today, Mamas!

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones;
And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.
Psalm 32:11

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