Fireworks for the Fourth
This flag flies on the front porch of our good friends Tom and Jo Carr, who recently moved back to Tom’s hometown of Medicine Lodge, Kansas, after he retired. Tom serves on the library board; Jo serves in the hospital auxiliary. Tom teaches a Bible class for adults; Jo teaches one for ladies. When we visited them in May, we weren’t surprised that they had found ways to serve in their new home. That’s the Tom and Jo we have always known.
I’ve been discouraged by recent news just like all of you have been. I recoil in disgust when I see the covers of magazines at the checkout stand of the grocery store. I don’t know from personal experience what is on television or in movies these days, but what I hear makes me want to cry. I would like for many things about America in 2013 to be different–very different. However, I know that those things are not the only things that are true about America.
Sometimes when I am in a vendor hall at a homeschooling convention, I look out across the hall at the people who are strolling the aisles, and I am encouraged. I see mamas and daddies who love their children and who take good care of them. These mamas and daddies are training children who will know the true history of America and the true history of the world, children who will know science and the God Who created it. Many of their children will know and accept truth from God’s Word and will look at the world with a Christian worldview. And these families are not the only people in America who are different from what is portrayed in the media. There are others, like Tom and Jo Carr.
Jesus came into a very dark world, a world that did not believe in the one true God but in a multitude of gods and goddesses whose fictionalized stories were as bad as any fiction people watch on television today. When Jesus came, He told His followers that He was light and that they were light. Many lights are shining in America on this its 237th birthday. When we look up at the fireworks that light the sky tonight, let’s thank God for all the lights that are shining in America and ask Him to make us and our children shine!
“You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;
nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket,
but on the lampstand,
and it gives light to all who are in the house.
Matthew 5:14, NASB
Well said. I was thinking of today the 4th and what all that stands for. I was thinking of what our “leaders” are trying to make it and it saddened me and I prayed that people would turn from their wicked ways repent and God would heal our land. Only a miracle can make that happen, God CAN still do miracles. Happy 4th….