God is Counting on You
Last weekend Ray and I visited a Nature Conservancy site called Washmorgan Hollow.
Washmorgan Hollow is hidden away beside a road I used to travel to a self-pick blueberry farm — so hidden away that Ray and I passed the sign twice trying to find it. What a peaceful setting. Wildflowers bloomed profusely on both sides of the road. They were beautiful, whether there were many together . . .
. . . or one or two alone.
The road to Washmorgan Hollow runs alongside Spring Creek.
One of my favorite spots was a tiny branch that tumbled swiftly over rocks and branches and moss down a hillside.
The branch flowed through a culvert beneath the road and into Spring Creek.
The waters of Spring Creek were wide and swift that morning. That little trickle wasn’t contributing very much in terms of volume, but it was still part of God’s plan for Spring Creek.
Much of what you do probably seems like the trickle of that little branch, but God is counting on your “trickle” so that He can do mighty things with it.
For we are His workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand
so that we would walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
So very lovely!!!! Each one a quiet testimony to God’s design and plan–just like each one of us. Ohio’s spring extravaganza of wild flowers never ceases to amaze me!
Thank you for sharing the beauty and the reminder that God is working through us. May His name be glorified throughout our lives!