God’s Gifts and Susie’s Mama

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My friend (I’ll call her Susie) has had some challenges over the last ten years or so. It would be easy to recount the list of negative experiences, but she chooses to recount the good ones.

Susie’s mama died a few years ago, but last week God kept wrapping up presents connected to Susie’s mama and giving them to Susie. Here’s how.

Susie sat in a parking lot, waiting to go to the doctor with her daddy who is in his late eighties and gravely ill. As she sat praying in the car, Susie opened the almost full notepad she has been taking with her to take notes at her daddy’s doctor’s visits for the last few years. Susie noticed a faint hint of writing behind a blank page near the back. When she turned that page, she found sermon notes her mother had written down many years before. In those notes Susie found Scriptures perfectly appropriate for her own needs at that moment.

By the weekend, Susie’s daddy was in intensive care. God’s second gift to Susie was the nurse assigned specifically to care for her daddy. The nurse was “Mack,” a little girl who had once lived beside Susie’s parents. Susie’s mama used to take Mack and her sister to church. The family had lost track of Mack and now here she was again, all grown up and a registered nurse and assigned to her former next door neighbor.

Miss Delia's Asters
Susie’s mama loved her flowers. Susie does, too. These asters bloom beside our house every fall. Susie’s mama gave them to me many years ago.

Last Saturday night Susie’s daddy’s numbers looked bad, for a while very bad, but after treatment, they began to look better. That night daddy and daughter talked alone in the hospital. They talked of her mother. This daddy told his daughter of his love for her mother and how he could never love anyone like he had loved her. He told Susie about the year and half he had known her mother before their 62 1/2 year marriage. For the first time, he told her about the letters her mother had written to him every day while he was in the service.

God was kind to give these gifts to Susie. Susie was wise to notice.

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.
James 1:17

God uses you every day to give good gifts to your children — gifts that will last and that will bless the recipients again and again, just like Susie’s mama’s do.

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  1. Thank you once again Charlene for your sweet emails 🙂 I am a blessed mama of 5 beautiful children. Our youngest is 6 weeks old so I am feeling very busy these days. Sometimes it’s hard to find a quiet moment and I feel like I am failing at times in this area. I love the scriptures you share so cleansing and refreshing to my heart 🙂 Thank you for sharing your heart.
    God bless you!!
    Annalisa (I’m hoping to see you at Chap :))

    • God understands where you are and what you have to do right now. You can trust Him with the details! I know you know that. I just wanted to reassure you. And congratulations!!

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