Happy New Year
I look forward to a new year of daily encouragements with you. Writing messages to you encourages me. It is a blessing for me to have the opportunity to find gems in God’s Word and apply them to the daily lives of us mamas.
One of our sons-in-law asked us the other day if we had any resolutions for the new year. I said the one that came to mind first. I want to spend some time each week doing something with my hands. I love to quilt and crochet rugs and things like that. I have put that on the back burner for most of the last year as I have worked on completing From Adam to Us. Now that we are weeks away from our printing deadline, I’m thinking about getting upstairs to my threads and fabrics and glue and glitter and stuff and giving myself permission to create in those ways. I also hope to continue working on some of the ten goals I wrote down for last year. I did pretty well on some and mediocre on some. I did terrible on getting to bed by 11:00 p.m.!
Happy New Year!
I’m sure you have some ideas about things you want to do in 2016. Here are some thoughts that I hope will help you and me reach toward some of those goals.
Hold on tightly to the hand God is reaching out to you.
Abound in joy; it’s so nice to be around joyful people.
Press on. Don’t let Satan hold you back.
Praise God, giving Him credit for every blessing.
Yield to God. He really does know what is best for you.
Nestle in God’s love and rest there.
Emphasize the good things you see in those you love.
Wait patiently for what you are asking God to do for you.
Yearn for God and trust that He is yearning for you.
Exude hope; everyone around you needs it.
Adore the people you love and let them know it.
Reach out to others; the world is filled with lonely people.
I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also
I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do:
forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:12-14
Happy New Years Charlene, Amen to all you said. Jesus our only hope. God bless, nancyt
How sweet to hear from you on the first day of the year, Nancy. Happy New Year to you, too!
Great thoughts for a new year! May you be refreshed in spirit as you serve Him and bless others.
Thank you, Olive. I enjoyed your newsletter today, too.