Help: Asking for It, Receiving It, and Giving It
I hope you don’t mind if I write about the new facility one more time. You know how consuming a move can be!
Our daughter Mary Evelyn had the wonderful idea of decorating two of our office walls with historic posters. We chose twelve posters that we used as illustrations in Our Star-Spangled Story and America the Beautiful. I was able to download the copyright free images from the Library of Congress and the National Archives and have Staples print them as posters.
We framed eight of them on Tuesday. Yesterday Ray and I hung those beside the conference table with a lot of help from our team member Donna and our friend Terry and with advice from our decorator, Linda, on Zoom. I like the result very much.
I am thankful to have two-thirds of the measuring, remeasuring, climbing, and hammering behind me. Maybe all of that practice will help when the rest of the frames arrive, and we hang the other four. I was grateful for the rolling stair/ladder that the shipping team has in the warehouse.
I’d like to show you the posters we chose. This one is from World War I. Note: The extra white space might look strange around all these posters, but these images include the white border that you see in the framed posters above.
This World War I poster is still awaiting a frame.
Most are posters the Works Progress Administration (WPA) created during the Great Depression.
These are the Great Depression posters still waiting for framing.
These two posters are from World War II.
Last night in Bible class I was helping our three-year-old grandson pull the paper off the last bits of his ice cream sandwich. I offered to hold the oozing, sticky mess for his last couple of bites, but naturally, being three, he wanted to do it all by himself. He told me that sweetly and he did a good job.
Now, there’s a homeschooling mama dilemma for you! When do you give children the freedom to do things all by themselves and when do you teach children to work as a team—and sometimes that team is mama and me? The answer to that question takes prayer and wisdom, but both skills are important. No child should grow up without the ability to do some things all by themselves, nor should he or she grow up without the ability to ask for help, receive help, and give help.
I know one thing for certain. I was very glad to have help hanging those posters yesterday!
Bear one another’s burdens,
and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2