Homeschool Without Fear

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For the last few weeks, Notgrass History has been sending out video excerpts from a talk Ray and I did together several years ago in North Carolina. I have been remiss not to share them with you. Our topic was “Homeschooling Without Fear.”

You really can homeschool without fear! I hope this excerpt by Ray encourages you.

Transcript of Ray’s video:

The fears that we have about homeschooling, what people will think, what about college, what about socialization, all that. They’re really kind of small when we see the big picture.

The Common Core Curriculum—yeah, that can be a bother, but it just seems like it’s a long way from lions in the Coliseum. And if the first Christians could persevere through that, surely we can come up with a response to the Common Core curriculum.

Because, you see, we are part of something eternal. In homeschooling we have the chance to mold the hearts, minds, and futures of our children. We have the opportunity to let them drink deeply of the Scriptures.

We get to comfort them with the truth, to equip them with knowledge and wisdom that they need, and to inspire them with the stories of worthy people who have set examples for us by overcoming obstacles and difficulties, and living their faith, sometimes in very difficult situations.

So tonight I want to encourage you not to let your fears and uncertainties overcome the certainty of God. Overcome your fears with the confidence that God provides.

Once when Ray and I were visiting with someone at a hospital, a nurse walked by and said, “Living the dream.” That is what you get to do every day — live the dream. You have a dream job, a dream lifestyle. You get to spend your days with your children whom you love so much and you get to prepare them for forever, a forever designed by their Creator Who knows them by heart. Don’t be afraid. You are living the dream.

When I am afraid,
I will put my trust in You.
Psalm 56:3

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