How can I stop worrying about the future?

At our church in Oxford, Mississippi, some of the women planned an elaborate ladies day each year. I have often remembered one creative skit. It showcased the seasons of a mother’s life. The skit was based on the premise that people are often negative in their comments about the seasons ahead of us. To mothers of infants, they say, “Just wait ‘til she’s two!” To the mother of older children, they say, “Just wait ‘til he is a teenager.”

In Act I, women in one season of life after another listened to the typical negative comments. In Act II, the same women listened to encouraging words about each sequential season of life.

You’ve seen bumper stickers with statements such as, “I’d rather be fishing!” or “I’d rather be at the beach!” I once saw a bumper sticker that read, “I’d rather be here now.” I like that. Sometimes it is hard to be content right where we are with our current set of circumstances, but we have just two choices: contented or discontented. The most joyful choice is obvious.

A key to contentment is living in gratitude. The opposite is ingratitude. What an ugly trait that is!

“Thank you” are two of the most powerful words we can use to build relationships. Saying “Thank you” to God makes us feel closer to Him and saying “Thank you” to others builds closer relationships with them.

God blesses. It is our job to recognize His gifts and to be grateful. When we are grateful, we can say, “I’d rather be here now.”