“How’s Your Heart?”
Ray and I have enjoyed getting to know a young family at our church. When they learned of Ray’s recent health concerns, the father told us that he would be happy to help us any way he can. Their home is near ours, and we have taken him up on his offer several times. Since Ray is restricted right now on the amount of exertion he can do, our young neighbor and friend came over one day last week to help me with a piece of furniture. This time this stay-at-home dad brought their young children along.
While they were here, he chatted about his wife’s 98-year-old grandmother, who is also a dear friend of ours. He mentioned that he calls her every morning to see how she is doing. Wow. I was impressed. A grandson-in-law calling his grandmother-in-law every morning to check on her—what a beautiful example of honoring her. Sunday after Sunday my heart is touched when I see the granddaughter sitting beside her grandmother. Now I know that our precious older friend also receives a daily call from her granddaughter’s husband. Precious.
During their visit at our house last week, their kindergarten-aged son demonstrated that he is like his dad. When the little guy saw Ray, he asked him: “How’s your heart?” What a precious question from a little boy so young.
Ray has felt significantly better for the last three weeks, and we are grateful. We were discouraged when we first learned that Ray would need to wait over three weeks until his next test could be scheduled. Then God kindly blessed us with the sweet encouragement of Ray feeling so much better while we waited. The day has come. We are to be at Vanderbilt University Medical Center this afternoon at 4:30 for the scan. We would deeply appreciate your prayers.
Cherishing your prayers for Ray today
While technicians check to see the health of Ray’s lungs today, let’s all ask ourselves, “How’s my heart?”
My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your sight;
Keep them in the midst of your heart.
For they are life to those who find them
And health to all their body.
Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.
Proverbs 4:20-23
Thank you so much, Michelle.
Praying for Ray.
Thank you very much, Claire.
Dear Charlene and Ray, I am about to pray for you both right now. May God give you the deepest peace and trust in Him as you go today to have this test done, and if He wills it, may the results be encouraging and hopeful. And if more work is needed, may He bless you with ample strength, peace and confidence moving forward! Sending big love from Washington state,
Thank you, Christina, for your beautiful prayer. We are still waiting and trusting our Holy and Wonderful Father.