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The Cumberland River meanders through our county here in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Since we live along one of its tributaries, we can see a bit of bottom land out our front window, but surrounding us on every side are hills. Most of our county is just like this–a little bit of bottom land and lots of hills and hollows.


Our friend Jo grew up in one of those hollows over on Morrison Creek. She grew up as the baby of her family along with one brother and several sisters. She tells me of her childhood often. At Christmastime, the Morrison Creek families went from house to house. The adults played Rook while the children played around the tables. She remembers with delight the first time she was big enough to sit at one of the Rook tables and play along with the big folks.

Ray and I spent an evening with Jo and Gary recently. As often happens when natives of our area come to our house, she told us a story about a former resident. She said that Mr. Joe once told her that he wished God had told us straight out in the Bible that we were not to drink alcohol at all. This led us into a discussion about alcohol.

I told Jo and Gary that we had taught our children to stay away from it completely because there is some alcoholism in my family. I don’t believe that anyone is born with traits that force him to sin, but perhaps some people do come into the world with traits that make some sins more difficult to overcome than others. Since our kids and I have my ancestors’ genes, it seems to me that the best course is to stay away from alcohol altogether.

Jo told me that she had never seen anyone drunk until she was an adult. Though her parents knew people who had problems with alcohol, they never took their children around them. She said that her parents made conscious decisions about what kind of childhood their children would have.

Jo makes conscious decisions to be involved in the lives of several teenagers, and she brings them with her to church on Wednesday evenings. She told me that she is so sad that these kids do not know the life she knew on Morrison Creek.

Every parent makes decisions about what kind of childhood their children will have. Televisions don’t turn on by themselves. Cars don’t drive themselves to movies of their own free will. Video games and cell phones don’t jump into shopping carts of their own volition.

You have decided to make conscious decisions about what kind of childhood your children will have. Bravo!

Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve . . .
but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15

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One comment

  1. My oldest daughter will graduate this year! Time has flown by way too quickly but we have been so blessed over the years……raising up 6 children for the Lord and His Purposes. Our youngest is 5. Daily choices add up to make a child’s entire childhood. My prayer is that our decisions will please the Lord and lead our children closer to His Heart. Blessings to you and your family!

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