In Wisdom He Made Them All
A cross stitch picture of a little boy fishing decorated our son John’s room when he was young. It read:
It’s good to have some time alone for dreaming daydreams all our own.
Today I want to share photos we considered but decided not to include in the Seasons video. I believe they will inspire your own thoughts about the seasons of your life and the lives of those in your family. I didn’t arrange them in any particular order. I hope they will spark your own imagination, bring to mind your own memories, and remind you of reasons to praise and thank our Father Who is in Heaven.
O Lord, how many are Your works!
In wisdom You have made them all;
The earth is full of Your possessions.
Psalm 104:27
Thank you for the beautiful images Charlene. 😊 I especially love the one with the spiderweb in the cool, dewy morning. And the Morning Glory in the rain as well! Tennessee sure looks like a beautiful place. Wishing you a beautiful day, and hoping you both feel as well as possible today. ♥️
I am so grateful to call pretty Tennessee home sweet home.