It’s About Being Mama
Last night Ray taught from Romans 8:1-6 during our YouTube Bible study. As he talked about God’s grace through Jesus’ death and the fact that we can never be justified by keeping the law, I thought about you mamas and the checklists that you feel pressured to complete.
This homeschooling mama role that you have taken on is way more about being mama than it is about completing checklists.
Our walk with Jesus is about a relationship. So is our walk through homeschooling.
Therefore there is now
no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus.
For the law of the Spirit of life
in Christ Jesus
has set you free
from the law of sin and of death.
Romans 8:1-2
Thank you so much for this encouragement. I’m a first year homeschooler, coming out of public school and I’m stressing trying to figure out “what counts” as a school day. I’m so used to ticking things off, I don’t know how to be this free! LOL
Thank you for the reminder! So true, but easily forgotten.