Kindnesses and Good Thoughts
Yesterday I received several kind comments from you. They were sweet encouragement. My longtime friend, and since-the-beginning blog reader (of almost seven years), Laura even offered to send me their extra thermometer! Thank you, Laura. I look forward to receiving it (carefully) in the mail. How kind you are! And thank you for calling, Linda. Your voice, kindness, and thoughtfulness blessed me, as always.
I also received a beautiful email from blog reader Christal. I hope you don’t mind my sharing some of your thoughts, Christal.
Christal encouraged those who read her email to see the good. That is excellent advice for this strange week. Here’s a good assignment for your children today: be on the lookout for five good things you see or experience today. Your children could make a mental list, a written list, or an illustrated list. They could write a paragraph describing each of the good things they see or write a prayer thanking God for them or take photographs of them. Each child could share the good things they saw at the supper table tonight.
Below I have illustrated a few of the things Christal challenged the folks who received her email to notice.
Flowering Bushes
The Moon
Christal reminds us that God created and sustains the seasons. It is His promise to us, just as it has been His promise through the ages.
While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
And cold and heat,
And summer and winter,
And day and night
Shall not cease.
Genesis 8:22
God’s promises are not only for what He created on days 1 through 5. They are for His day 6 creations, too, including you and me and our loved ones.
Therefore let us draw near with confidence
to the throne of grace,
so that we may receive mercy
and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16