Like Father, Like Son
Ray and I spent last Tuesday through Friday finishing up our recordings of Exploring America and From Adam to Us. The sound engineering process continues and the proof-listening begins, but those are jobs for other folks.
As Ray and I waited for the elevator back at our hotel Friday night, I glanced down at my room “key” (they used to be actual keys, you know) and examined the advertising image printed there. It was a picture of young women drinking, laughing, and having a grand time.
“Thank you for not drinking . . . and smoking,” I said to Ray.
“I don’t want to, one,” Ray replied, as we stepped inside the elevator. Then after a pause, he continued, “Two, I would shame my daddy.”
People I love very much smoke and drink, too, but it’s something Ray and I have decided to stay away from. One of my great-grandfathers died at fifty years old, as a result of his years of alcoholism. Those were two habits Ray’s daddy avoided, too. A buddy bet Ray’s daddy when he entered the army a few months before Pearl Harbor that he would pick up both habits while he was in the service. He didn’t, so Ray doesn’t want to either.

As I have told Ray many times, I wasn’t smart enough to pick him out for a husband. He is one of the many ways God has shown grace to me. I’m thankful for a husband who obeys:
Honor your father and mother
(which is the first commandment with a promise),
so that it may be well with you,
and that you may live long on the earth.
Ephesians 6:2-3
That is beautiful!