Lovely and Beautiful and Sweet

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A mama once wrote to me about her daughter who enjoys photography, mentioning a class that her daughter had taken. If I remember correctly, the class was at a community college. The teacher had rules about the photos his students could take to turn in during the course. He would accept no people smiling and no sunsets. Of course, I realize that he wanted his students to think beyond the typical photos that most people take and that photos without sunsets or smiling faces would encourage students to improve the artistic aspects of their photography.

Still, I love to see what is beautiful. As you go into the weekend, I encourage you to look for what is lovely and beautiful and sweet. How blessed is the person whose childhood is filled with what is lovely and beautiful and sweet. When a child meets with what is not lovely and beautiful and sweet, he or she has a lovely and beautiful and sweet place in his or her heart to rest after encountering what is not.

These are some lovely things that God has created and that I have been blessed to see in recent days. Just as it is good to base our choices of literature on the passage we looked at yesterday, this passage is also a good basis for the environment we choose for ourselves and our children.

Starry Rose
Starry Rose
Mimosa Making Me Remember My Mama Sue
Reminder of Before
Emerging Sedum
Emerging Sedum
Sunset in Blue and Pink

Finally, brethren, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
whatever is of good repute,
if there is any excellence
and if anything worthy of praise,
dwell on these things.
Philippians 4:8

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