Merely Human
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in our own little corners of the world. That isn’t as easy these days with war raging on the other side of the world. It’s hard to understand world leaders who want power so badly that they are willing to send young soldiers into battle in order to accomplish whatever it is they want to do.
Yesterday morning, when Ray began his Sunday school class, he asked, “What do you all think that God is thinking when He sees what is happening?” Three words came to mind: “I’ve got this.” I know that God is in control and that He is working His will. He has, in the modern way of speaking, “got this.” Though He grieves at what man does to man and what nation does to nation, He is not surprised. He knows what we people are like. We can understand why David prayed:
Arise, Lord, do not let mankind prevail;
Let the nations be judged before You.
Put them in fear, Lord;
Let the nations know that they are merely human.
Psalm 9:19-20
Merely human. I’m merely human. How about you? It’s an important reality to know. I am not God. I can’t do what God can do. I can be on His side. I can follow Him. I can tell others about Him. I can talk to Him. I can trust Him—with everything—even when it looks like the world—or my world—is falling apart.
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything by prayer
and pleading with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6