My Heroines

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Tomorrow marks my fourth anniversary of writing Daily Encouragement for Homeschooling Mamas. I love connecting with you each weekday. When someone says, “I read your blog,” my heart soars. Thank you for reading. I want you to know how much each of you means to me. On this day before that anniversary, I would like to share with you the message I wrote that first day. It’s still true. I haven’t changed my mind.

I love homeschooling mothers. You are my heroines. I know you don’t feel like a heroine every day, maybe not most days, maybe not ever, but you are. You could be spending your life in many different ways, but you have embraced your role as mother. You are devoting your days, weeks, months, and years to nurturing the precious human beings God has entrusted to you.

Mother and Child, 1912. Courtesy Library of Congress.
Mother and Child, 1912. Courtesy Library of Congress.

It is such a joy to meet many of you at homeschool conventions each spring and summer and to receive emails from you from time to time. I love those brief glimpses into your hearts. I hear your fears that you are missing something important, I hear your concern for your children who learn in a quirky way, I see your joy when you have had a good year, and I am so proud of you.

Your children need you so much and you are responding just as you should. When Paul spoke in 1 Thessalonians 2:7 about the way he, Silvanus, and Timothy had served the Thessalonians, he said that they had been “gentle, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children.” That’s you–a mother who tenderly cares for her own children. In Proverbs Solomon told his son to hear his father’s instruction and not to forsake his mother’s teaching. He said that those instructions and teachings were graceful wreaths around his head and ornaments about his neck. I hope you will be kind to yourself and notice those graceful wreaths and ornaments that you are creating for your children. DIY wreaths and ornaments on Pinterest can be made in a few hours. Remember that the wreaths and ornaments you are making take a long time–but they last a lifetime.

Thank you for the great blessing you are in my life. Way to go, Mama! Good job!

But we proved to be gentle among you,
as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children.
1 Thessalonians 2:7

And tomorrow is the birthday of my very special high school friend Judy, who is a regular reader.

Happy Birthday, Judy!


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  1. Happy anniversary, Charlene! I am so thankful that years ago, a dear homeschooling friend gave me your spiral bound “Encouragement for Homeschool Moms” book that was a monthly devotional, one for each day of the month. I used it month after month, then ordered many others to pass along to other friends. Later, I learned about your blog and started reading it. That led to starting to use your curriculum, ordering your newer version of your book–with photos instead of drawings–and feeling as though you have become a friend now.:-). Perhaps the next few years will lead to actually meeting you someday. Thanks so much for being part of my homeschool journey these past many years. You have no idea how much you continue to encourage me!

    • You leave beautiful, sweet, and very encouraging responses, Betsy. That means so much to me. Thank you for blessing me today — and so many other times, too.

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