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I love homeschooling mothers. You are my heroines. I know you don’t feel like a heroine every day, maybe not most days, maybe not ever, but you are. You could be spending your life in many different ways, but you have embraced your role as mother. You are devoting your days, weeks, months, and years to nurturing the precious human beings God has entrusted to you.

It is such a joy to meet many of you at homeschool conventions each spring and summer and to receive emails from you from time to time. I love those brief glimpses into your hearts. I hear your fears that you are missing something important, I hear your concern for your children who learn in a quirky way, I see your joy when you have had a good year, and I am so proud of you.

Your children need you so much and you are responding just as you should. When Paul spoke in 1 Thessalonians 2:7 about the way he, Silvanus, and Timothy had served the Thessalonians, he said that they had been “gentle, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children.” That’s you–a mother who tenderly cares for her own children. In Proverbs Solomon told his son to hear his father’s instruction and not to forsake his mother’s teaching. He said that those instructions and teachings were graceful wreaths around his head and ornaments about his neck. I hope you will be kind to yourself and notice those graceful wreaths and ornaments that you are creating for your children. DIY wreaths and ornaments on Pinterest can be made in a few hours. Remember that the wreaths and ornaments you are making take a long time–but they last a lifetime.

Charlene Notgrass

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  1. Thank you for starting this…we are just starting a journey with Notgrass this coming fall with my soon to be 9th grader. God has also given us growth opportunities during the last 5-7 years. I need all the encouragement I can get, pointing me in the right direction. I am excited about our journey and enjoy reading about your families ups and downs, About pages, etc. I am praying about even adding The Model Family, too. Thank you for your devotion to homeschoolers and the students that whom we teach. Each of us can learn from each other, and shine a little light into some areas where we are weak.

  2. I was excited to receive the email about your new blog. I am very much interested and appreciative for this new piece from the Notgrass family. Everything from your curriculum to mail, emails, to this encourage my heart. We can gleen much from your years of experience. Living in a small area where I do not have a Godly, veteran homeschooler mentor such as yourself, I miss having examples and encouragement like this. Looking forward to more from you in what God has laid on your heart to share with us.

  3. Two things, taking on a blog is a huge task. I know. Second, good for them to encourage you to do it. You are a huge inspiration for me. Not sure I will do very well at following in your foot steps, but we do plan to take this challenge on within the next year or so.

    • Hi, Cousin!
      I am so excited to hear that you plan to take the homeschool plunge, Suzette. I’ve loved you since I first saw the whole 2 pounds and 13 ounces of you when I was sixteen.

  4. Thanks, Charlene. I needed that encouragement! I’ve been at this 11 years now, and sometimes it seems much longer =).

  5. Thank you for this Charlene. I am a homeschooling grandmother of 6. I homeschooled my own through high school back when it was really not acceptable by most people. Back then the main response was, “You CAN’T do that, it’s illegal!” How far we have come. Now if we could just get people to stop with the “socialization” nonsense I’d be a happy camper.

  6. I look forward to hearing more from you. I’m only 2 years younger than you and have been homeschooling for 28 years with a 7 year old still in progress. I have given my life to this calling and sometimes I grow weary. I don’t need someone to tell me that if I do this and that everything will turn out perfectly, I need encouragement from someone who has been there and continues to go through the deep trials of faith. I followed your journey through the loss of the grandchild and my heart ached for you. Blessings as you share your life with others.

  7. I deeply appreciate all your family does for the homeschool community. As a family, we have enjoyed your curriculum, devotional books,drawing books, and your record books. Your faith, strength, and family bond have always been such an encouragement and inspiration to me. Looking forward to your blog! Blessings in our precious Messiah, Melanie C.

  8. This was such an inspiring first post ! Thanks for the support, and the amazing curriculum with which we can bring our children closer to His Glory. Have a blessed day !

  9. I am excited that you are blogging! We love our Notgrass curriculum. I think we have just about everything you guys have written! Very anxious for your highschool Geography curriculum to be available! :o)

  10. Charlene, our homeschooling journey is ending — our youngest is finishing up his senior year right now. We homeschooled all the way through, and I am so, so glad we did. Your family’s history materials were my very favorite curriculum resource for the high school years. Thank you so much for all the work you put into making them available to families like mine.

  11. Charlene, I am so happy you have started this blog. Sometimes I would like to just sit at your feet and ask you question after question. Reading your blog will be much more realistic! 🙂 You (and your family!!) are such an encouragement to me. ~Amy

  12. Hey Charlene!! How wonderful to find your blog (from Pinterest!!). I look so forward to learning from you. You know we love our Notgrass curriculum ,but we love you family more!!! I just am excitted about the encouragement i know you will share with us. Lord Bless you all!

  13. Yayyyy, Charlene! I am always happy to hear your thoughts, encouragements, and comments. I love that you are practical and down -to-earth, yet never compromising on the truth. You and your family are a great blessing and inspiration to us. Love you!

  14. Charlene, thank you so much for having a heart open to this. I’ve met you a few times at the HEAV conference, and it has always been a pleasure.
    I enjoyed your blog post above very much and I look forward to more!


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