“When Family Is Good . . .”

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Ray and I recently ran into a couple whom we had not seen in several years. I’ll call them Pete and Janie. We had a joyful reunion. About a week later, Ray and I saw them again, this time at a funeral visitation for an elderly friend. On both occasions, we caught up on family news.

At the visitation, I said a couple of things about our family that naturally revealed our family’s closeness. I wasn’t making a point or anything. I was just telling a couple of newsy things I have told many friends before.

Janie’s face had an expression that was a far cry from the happy response I usually get when I say the exact same things to other folks. When I finished, she looked at me intently and said a statement that neither Ray nor I can remember verbatim, but that went something like this:

When family is good, it is good; but when family is bad, it is bad.

An unspoken pain was behind both the expression and the words.

The Teacart when we watched Alaska pix 009

Thank you for teaching your children the joy of family.

. . . in you and in your descendants
shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
Behold, I am with you
and will keep you wherever you go . . .
Genesis 28:14-15, NASB

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