No Two Alike in the Whole World

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Ray and I have been giving ourselves a present this week. We have been listening independently to Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I finished it last night while I was preparing supper. It has been fun knowing that we are enjoying the same story at the same time. We’ve shared tidbits now and again.

Farmer Boy is such a balm. When I got to the last five or six minutes, I kept hitting the 15-second rewind button. I didn’t want to miss a word and I didn’t want it to be over.

One day Mr. Wilder and Almanzo went to the timber lot together. Father and son were getting the wood they needed to make Almanzo a bobsled. Almanzo was anxious to have his own bobsled for his own young team of oxen. He loved being with his father, and he loved working with him.

They found the oak they needed for the main body of the bobsled. Then, they searched for two crooked trees to use for the runners. Once they had all they needed, they went back home through the snow.

Though I know this story well, I was surprised when I heard again that they made the bobsled that afternoon. I cannot imagine completing a bobsled ever, but certainly not in one day, especially if my first task was to go into a wooded timber lot to cut down the trees.

The resourcefulness and know-how of those folks astound me every time I enjoy these stories again.

While Mr. Wilder and Almanzo searched for crooked trees to use for the bobsled’s runners, Mr. Wilder told Almanzo that they would never find two exactly alike. He said that you would never find two alike in the whole world. He told him that everything is different from everything else. He said that not even two blades of grass are the same.

I wonder why we expect children to be.

Therefore, accept one another,
just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.
Romans 5:7


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