Welcome to Daily Encouragement!
Hi, I’m Charlene Notgrass. I was born a long time before you, way back in 1953. I loved homeschooling — once I learned how to make homeschooling who our family was instead of something I carried around like a big, heavy burden every day. From the lessons God has taught me, I offer you daily encouragement.

A Friend Who Loves
I see my friend Dee once a year, but we have a special bond. The printing company where she works has printed many books for us over the years. It is located near one of the cities where Ray and…

Famous Folks and Their Families: George Herbert Walker Bush and His Mother Dorothy Walker Bush
One of the most important things you do with your children each day is simply to give them the opportunity to live in a family. Don’t underestimate the power of simply being a family. Think of all the genealogies in…

Getting from Here to There
Have you ever been feeling perfectly fine and then suddenly you bent over or turned quickly; and your back shouted, “Why did you do that?” and then your back reminded you that you did that for a couple of days…

We Didn’t Come for the Party . . .
I think I know why the phrase “pain in the neck” has come into common use in the English language. I’ve been living with a real pain in the neck for several months now. Pains in the neck are no…

Taken–and Missed–Opportunities
Our Opportunity #2 last weekend was a campus minister seminar at Lipscomb University in Nashville, which included a reunion of people who previously served in campus ministry. Ray was a campus minister from 1977 to 1983. We loved working with…

Sweet Connections
Ideas come to me in the mornings before I get up or a little later when I am putting on my makeup and fixing my hair. As I was standing at my mirror yesterday, I thought back to the concert…