Welcome to Daily Encouragement!
Hi, I’m Charlene Notgrass. I was born a long time before you, way back in 1953. I loved homeschooling — once I learned how to make homeschooling who our family was instead of something I carried around like a big, heavy burden every day. From the lessons God has taught me, I offer you daily encouragement.
One Foot, Two Foot
Ray and I left Kansas City yesterday afternoon and headed east to spend the night with John, Audra, and Henry before we all go north this morning on our way to the Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators convention in…
Ready to Drop
Tired, exhausted, weary–perhaps you have used one of these words recently to describe how you are feeling. Perhaps you are like me and you’ve just got “the sits.” Maybe you are “beat” or “dog-tired.” You could be “worn out” or “ready to drop.” Perhaps…
With Love from Home
I think it’s fun to finger through tiles and make words when I play Bananagrams. I like to look through people’s cast-offs at garage sales and antique stores. And, when I read or do research, and when I am out of town,…
Living Life Immediately
I was standing in our tiny kitchen in Illinois talking on the phone, while little Mary Evelyn waited eagerly for me to get off. With her mommy tethered to a landline with a cord, our resourceful little girl got pen…
Let the Little Children Come
Recently as I sat in church, I noticed a little boy about three years old in a pew in front of me. He leaned his head on a lady whom I assumed to be his mother. I didn’t see her…
Capitol Tour Tag-Alongs
Ray and I hugged our sweet Henry and his folks yesterday morning and headed west for the Midwest Parent Educators Conference in Kansas City. The clouds were so ominous that we got out our travel weather radio to see if we…