Welcome to Daily Encouragement!
Hi, I’m Charlene Notgrass. I was born a long time before you, way back in 1953. I loved homeschooling — once I learned how to make homeschooling who our family was instead of something I carried around like a big, heavy burden every day. From the lessons God has taught me, I offer you daily encouragement.
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My Heart for Generations
My family has enjoyed English country dancing for more than a decade. Ray says it’s just geometry on the floor. It’s simple once you learn the basic steps. Most dances are just a combination of these steps, rearranged in a…
My Heart for Generations
Introducing Jean,
A Homeschooling Mom
Is yours a typical homeschooling family? Of course not. What would a typical homeschooling family look like anyway? What would the mother do all day? What would the children be like? What would their house look like? How many children…
A Homeschooling Mom
Everyday Learning:
Simple Pleasures
When Mother and I talk each night, she likes to hear about my day. Once I told her about the walk our daughter Mary Evelyn, granddaughter Clara, and I made to take pictures among the wildflowers. I love it when…
Simple Pleasures
Snowballs in Spring
Now I know it’s spring for sure, because Mother’s snowball bush is blooming! We were at the Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators’ conference in Rochester in the middle of April. They had snowballs, too, but they were the cold…
The Joy of Henry
I’d like to introduce you to a little fellow. He’s our grandson Henry. His middle name is Samuel, but it could be Joy. Of course, that would be kind of feminine which would never do for this tough little guy.…
My Heroines
I love homeschooling mothers. You are my heroines. I know you don’t feel like a heroine every day, maybe not most days, maybe not ever, but you are. You could be spending your life in many different ways, but you…