Peeps in the Night

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A few days ago, I glanced into the backyard at just the right moment to see a blue heron spread its wings at the edge of our pond and climb almost straight up into the sky. I still remember the moment many years ago when we were hiking at Burgess Falls State Park, and I saw a blue heron in flight for the very first time as it flew low over Falling Water River. When I saw this recent takeoff in my own backyard, I was awestruck.

I haven’t taken photos of the pond in a while, but here are some shots from a little over a year ago.

Mockingbird, ducks and Monte 033

Ducks on our Pond

The ducks didn’t stay long that day, but flew quickly away when they realized I was there.

Mockingbird, ducks and Monte 008

Sometimes our pond is just a wet spot, and sometimes the water rises high up the sides of its banks.

Mockingbird, ducks and Monte 012

During parts of the year, I can almost forget that it is is there, but not in March when the spring peepers announce the coming springtime.

We hosted a birthday party for our granddaughter Eva yesterday. After the party, several of us went outside to listen to the peepers. The chorus was so loud and piercing that we came back in for relief! Ray and I don’t remember them ever being this loud. Ray wonders how many decibels it is! I wonder just how many frogs are in the chorus.

You may already know about the lives of spring peepers, but I did not know much until I researched them last night. Spring peepers live in many parts of the United States east of the Mississippi. People hear them but they rarely see the tiny 1.5 inch spring peeper. I wasn’t surprised to learn that they are nocturnal because that is when ours serenade us.

The “serenade” we hear in springtime is a chorus of males, singing a love song. Well, I guess you could call it that. They use their voices to attract a female to start a family of more spring peepers.

The spring peepers are singing another song, too. They are telling the world that God lives and that His hand continues to change the seasons.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes,
His eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made,
so that they are without excuse.
Romans 1:20

I see one more lesson in the springtime behavior of these tiny frogs. Some children are like peepers in the springtime; they shout what they want so that the world — or at least their parents — can hear. Other children are quiet and seem to prefer the background. I encourage you to be mindful of the quiet ones. Study them to learn how they communicate and find ways to hear their voices in addition to your peepers.



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  1. We used to love listening to these near our creek in Michigan. You’re right–they can be loud!:-) But I believe the loudest chorus I ever heard was the “coqui” frogs in Puerto Rico. They are mesmerizing!

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