Praise God! Yippee! Woo-Hoo!

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So many of you were praying with me when our grandson Henry was in the hospital in mid-July. Thank you so much. Rejoice with me today because he had a follow-up appointment with a hematologist yesterday. His numbers were great. I expected that there would be continued follow up for some time, but instead the hematologist released Henry! Praise God. Yippee! Woo-Hoo!

On June 17, I wrote about voices. I heard a precious voice yesterday, the rejoicing, lilting voice of our son with this joyful news about his little son. It is my prayer that he and all my children and grandchildren and their spouses and all of your children and grandchildren and their spouses will listen to the One Voice that God wants us to hear.

Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying,
“This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!”
Luke 9:35, NASB

Later Jesus talked about those who would hear His voice. Leading our children to that Voice — there is no other reason to homeschool.

I have other sheep, which are not of this fold;
I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice;
and they will become one flock with one shepherd.
John 10:16, NASB

May all our descendants be one flock with one shepherd.


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  1. What wonderful news all given by our Savior! He was with little Henry with His strong healing hand! The best news to read today!

  2. I’m “woo-hoo-ing” right along with you! So thankful for answered prayers on behalf of sweet little Henry. God bless you and your precious family!

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