Ps and Qs
This past weekend the Notgrass Company team got together for our annual retreat to plan for the upcoming year. Most of our family was able to be there for the whole weekend. Our employees, Ethan and Michelle, joined us for sessions on Friday and a party on Friday night, as did Ethan’s wife Isabel.
We shared our personal and company goals for the year and looked at spreadsheets and thought about where we’d like to be in five years and ten years and ate the scrumptious food that Bethany cooked and planned and chatted and stuff like that, while three of our grandchildren climbed on us and sat in our laps and played with us and shared toys and fussed over toys and hugged each other and said cute things–and delighted us all.
Our getaway was on a beautiful ridge beside Center Hill Lake, one of Tennessee’s many man-made Corps of Engineer lakes. Both Friday and Saturday were gorgeous winter days with bright sunshine and mild temperatures. Of course, I had my camera. With beauty outside and grandchildren inside and out, I took several pictures.
Early Saturday morning, while Ray was hanging out with three-year-old Clara, he saw her “taking pictures” with the sheep piece from a wooden puzzle. When she finished, she took it over to the puzzle board, saying “I’m going to load it onto my computer for my blog.” Ethan asked her what her blog is about. She said, “Pictures and people.”
Well, you know who Clara hears talking about taking pictures for her blog. I was reminded again that I need always to be minding my Ps and Qs. “Our Father up above is looking down in love.” Our children and grandchildren are watching, too.
After Paul wrote to Titus about older women and younger women in Titus 2:3-5, he wrote these words for young men, but it certainly applies to us, as well:
. . . in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds,
with purity in doctrine, dignified, sound in speech which is beyond reproach . . .
Titus 2:7-8