Be sure and check out the quick video below the Bible verse today!
One of these years, I hope that someone will ask me, “Are you ready for Christmas?” and I will humbly reply, “Yes, I am, but this is the first year ever; and if you are not ready yet, I certainly understand.”
So far, I don’t remember ever saying yes to that question, no matter what day someone asked me.
I confess that my most recurring dream theme for the last many years is that something important is about to happen, but I’m not ready. Take my funny dream from early yesterday morning, for example. I dreamed that Ray’s older brother and his wife came to see us. Now, I must tell you that Ray’s brother’s wife is about the same age as Ray’s brother. Knowing that will help you appreciate my dream story better.
My dream began with the four of us sitting in a conversation group. Ray’s brother told us that his wife was expecting. I looked at her little round belly and thought, “She must be younger than I thought.”
In the next scene of my dream, I had decided that, since they had come and it was Christmastime, I should give them a present. I climbed a stepladder—oh, about a 10-foot tall stepladder—that was conveniently set up in the room where we were visiting. I reached into some undefined storage area near the top of the ladder to find a gift to give our guests. All I had was three stainless steel camping plates in a plastic bag. I held them in my hand, realizing they weren’t really very appropriate, but they were all I had.
About this time, my sister-in-law asked me kindly if I would come and visit with her. Then I woke up.
I didn’t realize until later what a great lesson I could learn from my dream. Sitting and visiting is a better way to spend time during a visit than digging around and finding a highly inappropriate present.
An even more important lesson is that we need to be ready for our most important appointment ever—when we meet our holy Maker. Homeschooling mamas spend their days making sure their children are ready for life. Thank you for preparing your children for their most important appointment ever. All that other getting ready stuff pales in comparison to that.
For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive,
And abundant in mercy to all who call upon You.
Psalm 86:5
Watch the Christmas greeting from the Notgrass History team below.