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I always take my camera with me when we go out of town, but I was telling Ray the other day that I think I’ll start bringing it along all the time (even on short errands) so that I can take photos at one certain spot again and again. It’s a spot I see often when we cross a bridge near our home.

When I’m driving across the bridge, the view looks like this:

Roaring River Bridge
Crossing the Bridge

But, when I look west from the bridge, the view looks like this:

Roaring River
Looking Westward

At least, that’s how it looked when the river reflected the early evening sun about 7:45 last night. It won’t look the same the next time I pass because God is constantly changing the view. That’s why I want to bring my camera.

When I looked out the window of the commuter train bringing Ray and me back from the MassHOPE convention near Boston recently, I saw New York City in the distance. New York City is home to almost 8.5 million people. Yet, look at the view of America’s largest city we saw that day. It almost looks small compared to the vast sky above it. The skyscrapers seem not to be scraping the sky at all, but to be only reaching upwards toward the sky.

New York City
New York City

Later that same day we were speeding southward toward Atlanta. The sinking sun in the west shone brilliantly on the eastern sky.

Virginia Countryside
Virginia Countryside

I wondered just how big those clouds actually were. I know one thing for sure. Whatever worries and cares we have, the Creator of that vast sky above us and the earth beneath our feet is powerful enough to take care of them — and us — in His wisdom.

For Your lovingkindness is great to the heavens
And Your truth to the clouds.
Be exalted above the heavens, O God;
Let Your glory be above all the earth.
Psalm 57:10

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