Simple Blessings

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Valentine Card from 1919; Courtesy Library of Congress
Valentine Card from 1919; Courtesy Library of Congress

Suzanne has never married. She lives alone and works twelve hour shifts at the nursing home. Suzanne (not her real name) encourages me every time I see her at church. I can always count on a hug and a big smile. Sometimes she laughs and tells me funny stories from the nursing home.

She had a story this past Wednesday night. She and other employees had had a hard time one day recently when they had to move many residents temporarily to another wing because the heat had gone out in their regular rooms. This did not sit well with the moved residents who are naturally more comfortable in familiar surroundings.

One lady told Suzanne that she thought the whole thing was a “scam,” and “a bald-faced lie.” Suzanne smiled and joked as she and I talked about how unlikely it was that employees would make up a reason to change and wash all those sheets and wash down all those mattresses.

Suzanne had other news to tell me on Wednesday night. She told me about the wonderful blessing she had received this week. A young family had sent her a Valentine card with pictures of their two young children. Suzanne was touched deeply by this kind gesture. She talked about taking the picture to work to show people at the nursing home.

Suzanne has learned how to rejoice in simple blessings.

Rejoice in the Lord always;
again I will say, rejoice!
Philippians 4:4

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  1. I also received a sweet card! The smiles of those little children make me smile too!! And so today I will drop a few cards of love in the mail to bless some other friends and family. One stamp accomplishes a lot!!

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