Soaring, Running, or Walking
If you are a homeschooling mama who follows a traditional school calendar, you might be finishing up some loose ends and you might be a wee bit tired–or you might be very, very tired.
God cares about your weariness. He has wonderful promises for tired folks. I have long found encouragement in the last verse of Isaiah 40. I love the idea of mounting up with wings like eagles.
This is my first eagle photo, taken several years ago. It’s not an exciting photo to see, but I was very excited when I took it. I have only seen eagles near our home on a handful of occasions, so I was thrilled to see one sitting in a tree over a road as I drove home from church one Sunday. Ray was sick and had not gone to church with me. I drove all the way home, got my camera, drove back to the spot where I had seen the eagle. To my amazement, he was still sitting there. I zoomed in and got a picture, which was only good enough to prove that he was really there and that he really was a bald eagle.
Ray recently taught about the entire chapter of Isaiah and he offered some insights that encouraged me. He said that sometimes we can mount up with wings like eagles, sometimes we can run and not get tired, and sometimes all we can do is to walk and not get weary.
The key is to wait for the Lord where we are right now and to trust Him.
Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
Yet those who wait for the Lord
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
Isaiah 40:30-31
I’m not usually one to comment on things, but today feel like sharing. I’ve been on an interesting journey this season of life where my nine year old has broken her leg in a ski accident. It has been 8 weeks now and has been terribly hard on her and the entire family. She is now relearning to walk again and it has been difficult for me to watch her struggle. The lord has been using this time for me to lean on him more during the “walk and don’t grow weary” times. I’ve also learned that there are times that the lord carries us on his shoulders the way a shepherd carries his sheep. Thank you for your post. It touches my heart for my season of life.
I was so thankful that you shared your struggle with me. What an ordeal you, your daughter, and your whole family have been going through! Our oldest granddaughter is nine so I can picture how very difficult this must be. Your expression of faith and trust was a sweet blessing. Thank you for that. I pray God’s rich blessings on each of you.