Time for a Gentle Touch
When I first saw this photo on the Library of Congress prints and photographs site, I saved it because I often want a photo of a mother and child to illustrate a post. When I looked at it later, I…
When I first saw this photo on the Library of Congress prints and photographs site, I saved it because I often want a photo of a mother and child to illustrate a post. When I looked at it later, I…
One of the many lessons that God has taught me since my parents passed away is that I can continue to honor them, even though they are not with me on Earth any longer. On this Friday before Mother’s Day,…
Yesterday I shared stories about President Dwight Eisenhower’s family, especially about his mother, Ida. Today I want to share how Eisenhower honored his mother in her old age and how he remembered and honored her after she passed away. Even…
I think God must have specially wired our brains for music. We store a wealth of music in our heads and you never know when a song from the past will pop out of your mental storage bank and into…
Danish artist Lorenz Frølich, who lived from 1835 to 1903, had an international career as an illustrator. One of his projects was a popular series of books for children about the adventures of a little girl called Mademoiselle Lili. The…
Following the guidelines of the local board of education, Mother and Daddy sent me off to first grade when I was five years old. In 1958 in our town, children could begin their twelve-year public school adventure at five years…