Thank You, God, for Memories
I have been dreading June 2 this year, because of what our family went through one year ago this coming Sunday. That was when we joined a group of people that we didn’t want to join, the group of people who know the grief of losing a precious toddler. When another grandmother I know lost her grandchild a few years ago, I wondered how she kept going. Now I know.
I don’t know which is harder, losing our sweet Avery or watching our son and his wife go through losing their son. We don’t have to decide which things are the hardest in life. We just have to trust God through them.
There is nothing I can think of to say today that doesn’t sound trite and simplistic. Is this a horrible experience to go through? Yes, it is. Does the encouragement of friends help? Yes, it does. Does God listen to the prayers that so many have prayed for us? Absolutely. We could not have gone on without them. We could not have gone on without Him.
Since I have no words today, I’ll tell you something I learned recently from a Little Golden Book I was sharing with Eva, our newest granddaughter. I don’t agree with all of the theology in My Little Book About God by Jane Werner Watson, but I do love Eloise Wilkin’s beautiful illustrations, and I do like what Mrs. Watson says about memories. She said that God gives us memories so that we can keep happy times and people we love with us always in our hearts.
As I held Eva in my arms and read that message, I thought of Avery and about how I would like to share those words with his daddy, my son. Mrs. Watson was right. God does give us memories. Through them, we can keep the people we love with us always in our hearts. While I am missing Avery, I can remember the smile he gave me when he awoke from a nap in my arms. I can remember how he loved to wear hats. I can remember when he was a really little fellow how he liked to play with “Happy Apple.” I can remember so many things.
Thank You, God, for making us so that we can remember. What a precious gift. And thank You for Avery, and for our sure hope of seeing him again when we go to live with You.
The memory of the righteous is blessed.
Proverbs 10:7, NASB
Thinking of your precious family and praying God sends you all the comfort you need. I am so glad Avery was placed in your family and look forward to seeing his sweet face one day when we are all in Glory.