The Creek and the Floating Bus

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Beginning when I was four years old, my mother took in sewing to supplement our family income. She told me that she did this so that she could be at home with my brother and me. I have always appreciated her doing that for us. I know it made a wonderful difference in how my brother Steve and I grew up.

Mother and Daddy took Steve and me on many day outings — Nashville parks, state parks, drives in the country, the Tennessee State Fair, the county fair, playgrounds, many visits to relatives, historic sites, and more. Because Mother worked at home, Steve and I had hours and hours to play inside and outside with our Mother right there to help us or give us a dime for the popsicle truck or to rush somebody (namely me) to the clinic for stitches. We didn’t go on many outings away from home with Mother. She was busy sewing. That was fine since our family adventures were numerous and fun.

That is why it was extra-special when Mother and her sister Lavon took Steve and me and our cousins to play in Little Marrowbone Creek, a little way into the country off of Highway 12. The cool water, the tiny pebbles, the minnows swimming about our feet — what sweet memories. This is the only photo I could find yesterday but it is a cherished photo that I remember seeing when I was young. I am kissing Brooks (we called him Brookie), the little boy that Mother babysat when we were little.

Brookie and me in Little Marrowbone Creek

My creek experience was quiet and peaceful. In our Hometown History video this week, Miss Johnnie Faye has a creek story with drama and excitement. I hope you enjoy it.

A Day on the Creek

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If a busload of school children showed up for lunch at my house tomorrow, I would be wondering what in the world I would fix for lunch. Like my mother, Miss Johnnie Faye’s mother was resourceful. She followed Proverbs 31:27:

She looks well to the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:27

Therefore, she was “ready for every good deed” when a busload of children ended up at her door. I wouldn’t be surprised if that mama wasn’t holding some of those frightened little ones in her lap that day, too.

Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities,
to be obedient,
to be ready for every good deed,
Titus 3:1

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