The Doctor Says, “Wait.”

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This morning Henry’s doctor gave us much hope and encouragement, but he told us to wait. Henry continues to look and act like a vibrant and healthy little boy. Thus far his tests seem to indicate that he is just a healthy child who recently had a viral infection.

However, his hematologist wants to rule out Henry having the same condition as his brother Avery who went home to God last year. Therefore the plan now is to keep Henry in the hospital, to continue his IV antibiotics to prevent a bacterial infection, and to continue his wearing a mask when he is outside of his room. On Monday the hematologist plans to evaluate what to do next based on the results of tests taken today and over the weekend.

Please pray for Henry and all of us. I have three prayer requests:

  • That Henry’s blood levels improve so much over the weekend that there is no need to do anything else on Monday.
  • That John and Audra take home a healthy little boy.
  • That when Henry goes home, John and Audra, the doctors, and all of us who love Henry are assured that there is no longer a reason to fear.

Until Monday, we wait. Waiting is often hard, but it is something every person must do. We wait to get married. We wait for a job offer. We wait for ourselves and others to mature. We wait for loved ones to come home. We wait for loved ones to get well.

We wait for God who is the Master of all our waiting. He is always there while we wait and He is always there when our waiting is over.

Wait for the Lord;
Be strong
and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:14, NASB

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  1. Just discovered you and this blog last week and have been blessed by it! We are praying for your grandson. I know what it’s like to wait — for bloodwork, for results, for reassurance as we went through all of this with my little boy a few months ago and now for myself these past two weeks with viral infections gone wild. It’s emotionally and physically exhausting for the parents and family. Praying that God will give continued strength, rest and peace as the waiting continues. Please keep us updated! Thank you for sharing with us!

  2. Just read and “caught up” on your blog. I know that y’all must have been so scared when Henry got sick. We will be praying for him and your family!

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