The Only Salsa Dancer in a Room Full of Ballerinas

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A mostly-outreach class at our church recently performed a program called “Sing the Story.” Alternating between songs and narration, three rows of children in Bible time costumes told the story of Bible history from Creation through the beginning of the church.

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Mason (not his real name) stood just left of center on the front row. Well, maybe stood isn’t exactly the right word. He got down off the stage. He went back up on the stage. He took his belt off. He put his belt back on. I don’t know if everyone in the audience noticed every child on every row, but I know that everyone noticed Mason.

What is surprising about Mason is the amazing amount of Bible knowledge that comes out of his seven-year-old mouth, and not only Bible knowledge, but also spiritual insights.

Many parents and friends came to watch the children “sing the story,” including Mason’s mama. I thanked her for letting her children join us on Wednesday evenings. She responded gratefully, saying that it is a safe place for her children to come and that they don’t have that many safe places.

Then, on her own, she brought up the busyness of her little guy. With a smile, I gingerly agreed that, yes, he was a special, wiggly, little boy. Then she told me the most adorable description I’ve ever heard for a bouncy, busy, wiggly child. She said that a relative describes Mason as “the only salsa dancer in a room full of ballerinas.”

Do you have a salsa dancer in your living room? I hope you get to dance with him this weekend. I’m glad God made all kinds of dancers. And I’m glad Mason has a safe place to go on Wednesday nights.

“. . . for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14


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  1. Where might one purchase the delightful book, “Sing the Story: The Story of the Bible in Narration and Song”, plz?

    • I am so sorry to have to tell you that it isn’t available. The image I showed you was just the screen the audience saw at the beginning of the program. This is a program our daughter wrote. She has done it with children several times, but it isn’t available to purchase — as far as I know. I have been wanting her to publish at least the songs though and will certainly plan on talking to her about that again. In fact, I will try to do that today.

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