The Son-in-Law
I can’t let this week go by without telling you about my sweet husband Ray. He is a son-in-law extraordinaire. How he loved and served my dear Mother.
“Charlene, we need to pick up some bananas and some of your mother’s milk,” he reminded me again and again. By way of explanation, Mother only wanted 1% milk. Ray always made sure she had her Cheerios, bananas, and 1% milk, and he set them out for her every morning.
On more occasions than I can count, I asked, “Ray, would you mind staying with Mother while I ________________ (fill in the blank)?” His answer was always the same: “Sure.”
Every Sunday and Wednesday Ray drove to the side entrance at church to let us out where it was easiest for Mother to go inside. Then he drove around back to park in the sunshine or the rain.
A few years ago, one of our children needed me to come and help for several days. Ray not only took care of Mother while I needed to be gone. He hosted the historical society Christmas party we had already scheduled.
As Mother struggled year after year with the limitations that her stroke had caused, Ray told me how sorry he felt for her. I knew he meant the words he spoke to me: “I love your Mother.” These are only a few of the ways that Ray demonstrated that love year after year.
Family is a team effort. How precious is God’s gift of family. One of your many opportunities while homeschooling your children is teaching them to work together as a team, for the good of all.
Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ,
if there is any consolation of love,
if there is any fellowship of the Spirit,
if any affection and compassion,
make my joy complete
by being of the same mind,
maintaining the same love,
united in spirit, intent on one purpose.
Philippians 2:1-2