Time for Godly Examples
Every fall I walk by the tall asters planted by our driveway and remember the day Delia Leddy dug a wild clump of them from a field beside her house and gave them to me. Delia was the sweet mother of a dear friend. Though she has long been gone from the earth her faithfulness and servant heart is an example to me still.
Last evening I broke off a couple of stems and brought them inside. I put them in a pitcher Ray purchased at Plimoth Plantation in 1993. He kept it hidden for months and completely surprised me with it at Christmas. What an example of kindness and tenderness Ray is to me every day.
I set the bouquet on the tabletop we had built before Christmas last year. One end sits on the pedestal table Ray and I purchased for $100 a few months before we got married and finished in my parents’ basement. The other end sits on a pedestal table that belonged to my Aunt Nan. The idea of our purchasing the table came from Nan, who had bought and finished one just like it. Though Aunt Nan is no longer with us either, what an example of sweetness, godliness, and creativity she is to me still.
I am grateful for all who have taught me how to follow God by their godly examples. Homeschooling gives you freedom and time to share godly examples with your children.
Remember those who led you,
who spoke the word of God to you;
and considering the result of their conduct,
imitate their faith.
Hebrews 13:7
I am a new subscriber to your daily encouragement emails, but I really appreciate them. Your home looks beautiful and cheery in this photo, and i love the flowers and pitcher, and the stories behind them! Thanks so much!
Thank you, Susan! I appreciate your signing up.