Today’s Responsibilities Are Tomorrow’s Sweet Memories

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Several years ago when children and grandchildren were at our house for a wild and wonderful few days, I noticed our daughter’s old Fisher Price® doll Jenny facedown on the coffee table. I decided to take her picture just the way I found her.

Jenny’s had enough!

I’m guessing that on some days you might feel like Jenny. I know that I felt that way while Ray and I were still carrying homeschooling around on our backs like a big sack of rocks. Just ask him about the day I wrapped myself around a pole in the basement and fell to the floor crying!

That was before we decided to make homeschooling our lifestyle, before we made it who we were instead of a big burden we strapped on! I still had some rough days after that, but I almost wish that God would let me roll back the years and homeschool all over again. If He asked me if I wanted that, I’d answer a resounding “Yes!”

I felt a great deal of responsibility back in those days, but what I remember now are the joys of being with our children day after day. I remember so many things. Here are a few.

I miss seeing John programming on our old Commodore 64 and building LEGO® castles.

Our John's Castle
John’s castle

I miss Bethany’s amazing meals and taking art lessons with her.

Bethany's Rose
Bethany’s rose

I miss those early days of the Homeschool Dramatic Society. This is the cast of Hosanna! which was Mary Evelyn’s first homeschool play in 1999. We had auditions for the 2022 play yesterday. HDS is still going strong after all these years.

Mary Evelyn's First Play for Homeschoolers
Mary Evelyn’s First Play for Homeschoolers (She’s the tall one in the back wearing pink.)

Today’s feelings of heavy responsibility become tomorrow’s sweet memories. I pray you can make some good ones today.

Splendid and majestic is His work,
And His righteousness endures forever.
He has made His wonders to be remembered;
The Lord is gracious and compassionate.
Psalm 111:3-4


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