Waves and Songs and Holding Hands
A few weeks ago Ray and I went to dinner with a couple we had previously known only through business. It was the first time we had done anything with them socially. When Ray and I go on outings with close friends, we girls sometimes sit in the back to chat while the fellas ride up front. As we walked to our car, I had a brief awkward moment. I wondered how this couple would prefer to sit, so I asked.
“We like to hold hands,” she said. They climbed into the back seat.
I have written before about Therold’s Little Opry, a bluegrass music show that happens one Saturday night a month in our county. In the fourteen years we have lived in Jackson County, Tennessee, we have watched the show go through three sets of leaders. When we first moved here, people called it simply the Little Opry. The leader and founder was Therold Richardson. Before Mr. Richardson died, he made sure that the show would continue by asking the Anderson Brothers (Roger and Edward) to keep it going. They renamed it Therold’s Little Opry. Now Roger and Edward have passed the leadership on to two of Roger’s grandsons.
A few weeks ago Ray and I ran into Edward and his wife at Helen’s. I asked if he and Roger were still performing. He replied that he sings his wife to sleep every night. Edward is a big cut-up, so I assumed he was kidding. When I turned to his wife, she said that he does sing just about every night.
As a friend and I pulled away from her house recently, she leaned forward and waved at her work-at-home husband who was waving behind a window. She told me that they always do that.
Songs and waves and holding hands keep marriages strong. You are busy with your children and with homeschooling and with many other responsibilities. Give yourself permission to make time for those little signs of love and affection that make you and your husband smile.
Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14
What a great reminder! It doesn’t need to be complicated, just simple and sweet. Thank you!