You Did That Exactly Right
Since our earliest days of marriage, God has blessed Ray and me with godly mentors. One is our friend Cora Beal, now in her mid-nineties. It has been 36 years since we lived in the same town and saw each other often, but her love, wisdom, and kind manner will always be in my heart.
Cora Beal came to mind yesterday morning as I was getting ready for the day. Once, when she was in her late 80s or perhaps early 90s, we stayed overnight with her and her husband. The next morning, her husband joined Ray and me to ride two and a half hours away to attend the graveside service of a friend who had meant a great deal to all four of us. Cora Beal wasn’t up to going with us, but she was up to doing what she does so well—building up other people.
That morning I had put on a simple outfit for the service and the long car ride. I don’t remember at all what I was wearing but I do remember how I felt when Cora Beal commented on it.
I had said nothing about my clothes. I was simply wearing them. In true Cora Beal style, she smiled, looked me in the eye, and said that what I was wearing was perfect for the occasion.
I hadn’t been looking for affirmation, but I have always remembered hers that day. It was so like her to think of the perfect sentence to make me feel that I had done something exactly right.
Let’s all try to think of someone we can bless today with an affirmation that she or he has done something exactly right. I am here to tell you that it is a very good feeling.
Like apples of gold in settings of silver,
Is a word spoken at the proper time.
Proverbs 25:11